viernes, 31 de enero de 2014



Short anwer  Affirmative
Short anwer Negative
Simple Present Tense


I build a house every year

I don´t build a house every year

Do You build a house every year?

Yes, I do

No, I don´t
you / we / they
We are Dance in the police
You are Sing in the park
They are eat apple
We aren’t dance in the police
You aren’t sing in the park
They aren’t eat apple
Are we dance in the police?
Are you sing in the park?
Are they eat apple
Yes, I am
Yes, We are
Yes, They are
No, I am not
No, We aren’t
No, They aren’t
she / he / it
She is Always smile
She isn’t  Always smile
Is she always smile ?
Yes, She  is
No, She isn’t
Simple past
I/You/she/he/ it/we/they
I played in the park
I Did play in the park
Did I play in  the park?
Yes, I Did
No, I Didn’t
Present Progressive
Or continuos
Present Progressive
Or continuos
Present Progressive
Or continuos
Present Progressive
Or continuos
Present Progressive
Or continuos
Present Progressive
Or continuos
I am Singing  on Night
I am Singing  on Night
Am I singing on Night
Yes, I am
No, I am not
she / he / it
She is Dancing  in the School
She is Dancing in the School
Is She Dancing in the School
Yes, She is
No, She isn’t
you / we / they
They are  Drink a lemonade
They are drink a lemonade
Are They drink a lemonade
Yes, They are
No, They aren’t

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

      Questions and Answers

*What  full your name?
Her full name is leidy vanessa perez almanza
*How many brothers---- sister do you have
She has one sister 
*Where do you live in bogota
She live in isabella
*Who do live with?
She live with Parends
*What you favorite Bang or singer?
His favorite Band is Mambo Rap
*Who is you best friends?
His best friend is Daniel
*Which sport do you like/prancti?
His favorite sport is futbol
*What  music do yo prefer?
Her favorite music is rock
* When were you born?
She born the march 17 th

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

They Dance Tango

He counts Potatoes

He walks

She Ties  her shoe

He opens it box 

She  applauds

He sweeps the ground 

He drincks it lemonade

She singers

He eats an chicken,crips and soda water.

                                                                                  He studys in the  computer

They play football
He wash the clothes
He reads a book

He crys
She  orders
He paints
He laughs
She speaks
She watch Tv

martes, 21 de enero de 2014


My Name is Valentina,
My Last name is Gonzalez Grisales.
I am thirteen Years Old.
My family is made up of 3 people. My Mother Maria, My Grandfather Ramiro And I.
My Favorite Color is Blue.
My favorite sport is cycling.
I love animals And My Life....